Auto Virtualenv is a powerful Emacs package for Python developers, offering automatic virtual environment management based on the directory of the current project. This tool simplifies working across multiple Python projects by dynamically detecting and activating virtual environments, reducing the need for manual configuration. It integrates seamlessly with `lsp-mode` and `pyright`, optionally reloading the LSP workspace upon environment activation to maintain accurate imports and environment settings. Auto Virtualenv identifies Python projects using a customizable set of markers (e.g., ``, `pyproject.toml`) and supports common virtual environment locations, both local and global (e.g., `~/.pyenv/versions/`). Features: - **Automatic Virtual Environment Detection and Activation**: Based on project root, auto-virtualenv locates and activates virtual environments in either a local project directory or in specified global directories. - **LSP Reload Support**: With `lsp-mode` or `pyright`, optionally reload the LSP workspace on environment changes to keep code assistance up-to-date. - **Modeline Integration**: Displays the active environment in the modeline. When no environment is active, "Venv: N/A" is shown. - **Configurable and Extensible**: Users can add directories for environment searches, set custom project markers, and control verbosity for debugging. Usage: 1. Add `auto-virtualenv` to your `load-path` and enable it with `auto-virtualenv-setup`. 2. Configure `auto-virtualenv-global-dirs`, `auto-virtualenv-python-project-files`, and `auto-virtualenv-reload-lsp` as needed. 3. Use it with project management packages like `projectile` or independently. See the README for detailed setup and configuration examples.